
results 61 until 70 of 97
Primer on TTP to download
Our Primer on TTP is shown on the NATURE home page this month (  Our Primer on TTP is shown on the NATURE home page this month ( and is free to download…
Newsletter December 2018 Dear Colleagues, the end of the year is approaching soon, and we are looking back on a successful year for the Hereditary TTP Registry with some key achievements. In the…
First Newsletter 2018
The first annual Newsletter of the Hereditary TTP Registry is available. To read or to sign up, see on the right side of this page.
Collaboration started with the BloodCenter of Wisconsin (Versiti Wisconsin, Inc.) in the USA
Since October 3, 2018, the Inselspital, University Hospital of Bern and the BloodCenter of Wisconsin as part of Versiti Wisconsin, Inc. are collaborating in support of the Hereditary TTP Registry…
Hereditary TTP Registry at the 60th ASH Annual Meeting in San Diego
The Hereditary TTP Registry will be at the 60th ASH Annual Meeting (December 1-4, 2018) in San Diego, CA, USA. In case you will be attending too, we are available to answer your questions Dear…
International TTP Day in Bern was a Success!
Dear All! Thank you for your support and contribution at the International TTP Day. The TTP Team Bern has collected $899.95 to support the Answering T.T.P Foundation and TTP research. This is 257%…
International TTP Day in Bern on 16.09.2018
SAVE THE DATE International TTP Day in Bern will take place on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2018 Please support us in our quest to help answer TTP!  International TTP Day is Saturday September 15,…
Successful recruitment of collaborators for the Registry from the Czech Republic
Steering Committee member Ingrid Hrachovinova had organised TTP seminars at the Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion (ÚHKT) in Prague. She had invited physicians, who are treating patients…
Visit to the University of Oklahoma (USA) to strengthen collaboration
For three days, May 1-3, Prof. Dr. Johanna Kremer Hovinga visited the University of Oklahoma (USA) to strengthen the bond between the University of Oklahoma and the University of Bern for TTP…
Best abstract at the GTH 2018 in Vienna, Austria
The groups' abstract on iTTP was nominated as one of the four "best abstracts" at the 62nd Annual Meeting Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research in Vienna, Wien In the category…
results 61 until 70 of 97